
Buderim Rebels Hockey Club Inc


BRHC Team Trainings This Week (updated 2 March 2025)

Published Sun 16 Feb 2025

BRHC Team Trainings - This Week

Wednesday 5th March 2025

Hookin2Hockey U8 & U10 - 4pm to 4:50pm (pls arrive early for warm up, if possible)

U13 Boys & U13 Girls - 4:50pm to 5:40pm (arrive 15 mins earlier for off-field warm up)

U16 Boys & U17 Girls - 5:40pm to 6:30pm (arrive 15 mins earlier for off-field warm up)

Division 1, 2 & 3 Men - 6:30pm start on turf (arrive 15 mins earlier for off-field warm up)

Division 3 Women - 7:30pm start on turf (arrive 15 mins earlier for off-field warm up)

Division 1 & 2 Women - 8:30pm start on turf (arrive 15 mins earlier for off-field warm up)

 Important - Only Players, Coaches, Trainers, Managers, BRHC Officials are permitted to enter turf field & dugouts

 All other spectators, parents, caregivers & siblings etc. must remain off turf & dugouts at all times

Training times & field locations may be subject to change. Pls always confirm with team Coach/Manager


Any players unsure of which training to attend, please email your relevant committee representative:

Senior Men's VP - buderimrebelsvp@gmail.com

Senior Women's VP - landstaylor@hotmail.com

Junior Boy's VP - jacintablanch@gmail.com

Junior Girls VP - lancelotto@yahoo.com

Hi2H - jennaboniface@me.com 
